Q1. Who is CPIO and Appellate Authority?

Chief Executive Officer is the First Appellate Authority and The Departmental Heads like Office Supdt. Revenue Supdt., Chief Engg., Sanitary Supervisor and RMO are CPIOS.

Q2. Return / refund policy in online payment?

No refund will be made in any case of online payment.

Q3. How can a building plan be sanctioned in Cantonment Board?

Whoever wishes to erect or re-erect a building in Cantonment Civil Area shall apply for building plan sanction under section 235 of the Cantonments Act 2006 along with plans in triplicate (one on tracing paper and two in  blue print). The necessary prescribed application form etc.  can be procured  from the Cantonment Board Office on payment of a fixed fee. The Building plans should compulsorily conform to the existing laws and building bye-laws.

Q4. How to get trade license?

Cantonment Board issues trade licenses to those who wish to sell articles in the Cantonment Area. Under Section 277,  License is granted after the applicant applies in the prescribed form and on the basis  of the favourable report of the concerned SI and A.H.O.

Q5. What is assessment list?

When tax assessed on the annual value of buildings or lands or both is imposed, the Chief Executive Officer shall cause an assessment list of all buildings or lands in the cantonment, or of both, as the case may be, to be prepared in such form and in such manner as the Government may by rule prescribe.

Q6. How can person get water connection?

Person desirous of getting water connection may apply for the same to the Cantonment Board Office and follow the necessary formalities.

Q7. How to apply for Mutations?

Application for Mutation has to be submitted on the prescribed Application Form to the Cantonment Board Office. The prescribed application form can be obtained from the Cantonment Board Office.

Q8. What is the process for Lease renewal?

Request for renewal of lease shall be considered as per the terms and conditions of the lease and the applicable policy guidelines.

Q9. How to get unauthorized construction compounded?

Unauthorized construction can be compounded by competent authority if it is in conformity with the building bye laws and relevant rules and regulations governing the Cantonment Board.

Q10. Is the hospital open for general public?

Cantonment General Hospital is open to general public as well as the public of nearby areas outside Cantt  Area.

Q11. How to get admission in Cantonment School ?

Admission to the Cantonment Schools is on the basis of selections made through Admission Tests held tentatively between the 1st of July and the 15th of August. Application form is generally available with the Head Master of Cantonment School.

Q12. How to get Birth/Death Registered?

Birth / Death registration is done in Cantonment Board area as per U.P. Birth / Death Registration Act. The Birth/Death certificate can be obtained from Cantonment Board office on payment.

Q13. Where to get all ABAS related SOP at one place?

You can visit our site for ABAS related Document in
