Revenue & Tax

Tax Section

The Tax Section is responsible for maintaining records of the House Tax, Water Tax,  Trade and Profession Tax, Miscellaneous register, Assessment of properties, Service charges, issue of bills & recovery thereof. Property tax has been fully integrated in ABAS software and online payment module is also being developed. All the demand and collection registers are system generated and bill generation is done through it.

All other service modules, except property tax, is still manual like, rent of shop, water rate, service charges, grants, lease rent but the fascility to receive money from public online is available through our payment portal. Only the transaction amount is posted in accounts side of ABAS.

Revenue Section

The Revenue section is responsible for:

  • Maintaining of Water charges register, rent of shop register, Trade license register & Lease rent register.
  • Preparation of Assessment list and Triennial assessment for property tax (House Tax and Water Tax), Lease rent Bill and recovery of the same.
  • Issue of Trade license to Shopkeepers /Traders.
  • Allotment of Cantt. Fund Building and land under CB Management on rent for temporary occupation for specific purpose as per Govt rules and recovery of the same.